Hangzhou Steel Coking Plant / 杭钢焦化厂

So this is the second part of the huge production site of Hangzhou Iron and Steel Industry: after I visited the steel plant, I went to the coking factory, which is just next to it. I am not a technical specialist, but a coking plant is a chemical plant which uses coal heated at very high temperatures as an intermediary part of the steel production process. The production in this factory got also stopped at the end of last year and it is important to hurry to visit it because it is already being torn down very quickly: too polluted for the new image of the city of Hangzhou.

View on the steel factory, Hangzhou Steel Coking Plant, March 2016

The first part of the factory is quite well preserved.

Central tower, Hangzhou Steel Coking Plant, March 2016
Numbers, Hangzhou Steel Coking Plant, March 2016
Factory train tracks, Hangzhou Steel Coking Plant, March 2016
Reflection in dirty water, Hangzhou Steel Coking Plant, March 2016
Dirty water, Hangzhou Steel Coking Plant, March 2016

But there were also entire parts that were already demolished.

Factory ruins, Hangzhou Steel Coking Plant, March 2016

And then, there were the areas of the big cuves with chemicals that still smelled very strong…

Chemical area, Hangzhou Steel Coking Plant, March 2016
Liquid measurement, Hangzhou Steel Coking Plant, March 2016
Liquid measurement, Hangzhou Steel Coking Plant, March 2016
Big cuves, Hangzhou Steel Coking Plant, March 2016

Finally, I visited the coal area, a very quiet place where you can relax and hear many birds singing in the trees (you can see them on the first picture below, they are the white dots in the trees): how rare in Hangzhou!

Mechanical animals and real birds, Hangzhou Steel Coking Plant, March 2016
The coal field, Hangzhou Steel Coking Plant, March 2016
Industrial landscape with red metal velociraptor, Hangzhou Steel Coking Plant, March 2016
Red metal velociraptors, Hangzhou Steel Coking Plant, March 2016
Long transmission belt, Hangzhou Steel Coking Plant, March 2016

Then, on my way back, I saw an area with overgrown buildings, which will look even better in the summer.

Green factory, Hangzhou Steel Coking Plant, March 2016
Worker on his way back, Hangzhou Steel Coking Plant, March 2016
Soon to become green, Hangzhou Steel Coking Plant, March 2016
Overgrown area, Hangzhou Steel Coking Plant, March 2016

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