Xishuangbanna Monkey Mountain / 西双版纳猴山

After finding the Banna Monkey Mountain Ropeway, I finally discovered what is left of the park on the other side of the Mekong river… Happy new year of the Monkey! It all started by chance (although… It is really by chance, as we are entering the Chinese Year of the Monkey…), by spotting the Mekong […]

Xishuangbanna Tropical Flowers and Plants Garden / 西双版纳热带花卉园

Yesterday, I did another great discovery in Jinghong, Xishuangbanna: a botanical garden surrounded by abandoned elements! Next to the park: the abandoned Olympic pool If you follow my blog, you know that I particularly like abandoned swimming pools, especially the long ones… The ones that are olympic-size. After finding an indoor olympic-size pool in Datong, […]

Banna Monkey Mountain Ropeway / 版纳猴山索道

I am currently spending a few days in Yunnan, Xishuangbanna for my Christmas vacation with Gui. It’s less polluted and less cold than in Beijing or Datong. I was riding a bicycle in Jinghong along the Mekong River when I spotted an abandoned place… It seems my eyes are trained for this anywhere now. It […]

Beijing Film Studio / 北京电影制片厂

This report is about the famous Beijing Film Studio, targeted to be demolished three years ago and still left waiting, abandoned, falling more and more into decay. I would not have explored Beijing Film Studio without my friend Paul, a student at the prestigious Beijing Film Institute, who spotted this place. We decided to go […]