« The World’s Tallest » Ferris Wheel / 世界第一摩天轮

The 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing were a great source of failed projects, among which the world’s most ambitious Ferris wheel project. I went on this exploration about one year ago, with my friend Brïn, who created the blog burbex.org. I decided to finally publish it, because he just left China (without saying goodbye, by […]

Rose Villa / 玫瑰山庄

When I was in Zhuhai, I saw a strange villa compound as my bus was driving along the seaside. It really looked in a pretty bad shape: the name of the residential unit was half broken, no guard was present at the main entrance, and the colours on the walls of the villas were washed […]

Hangzhou’s « liquor barrel » building / 杭州的“大酒桶”楼

This is a report about an « unfinished rotten » building in Hangzhou. The city of Hangzhou is now actively preparing for the G20, which means, like for all mega-events in China, that the ultimate priority is put on the city’s image (市容 shirong): everywhere, one can notice large-scale demolition, renovation or rehabilitation of buildings. That is […]

[part 2] Strange futuristic unfinished-abandoned buildings / 奇怪未来主义的烂尾楼

I already wrote a first report two months ago about those strange buildings being currently on interrupted construction: I visited the unfinished Museum of Beaux-Arts and the unfinished Grand Theater. Here is my report about the unfinished-abandoned Sport center designed by the Australian firm Populous (the firm which designed the sport facilities in Nanjing for […]

Guosheng’s unfinished twin towers night exploration / 国盛中心烂尾楼的夜景

I had to re-write this report after I came up with a new theory on this place, the unfinished Guosheng mall in Beijing… I started visiting abandoned places in France, and most ruins are quite old. So I was looking for the same type of places in China: I was already happy to have found […]

Strange futuristic unfinished-abandoned buildings / 奇怪未来主义的烂尾楼

This report on the visit I did in November 2015 will display the amazing SF architecture of several unfinished-abandoned buildings found in Datong… Strange buildings, aren’t they? Before presenting more closely their amazing architecture, I will explain where they come from… The five major equipments project (五大场馆): a semi-failure Datong, a city in Northern Shanxi […]