The name of this factory is quite ironic: oxygen manufactoring in China! I am very happy to write about this visit of the famous « Hangyang », another abandoned factory in Hangzhou after Hanggang. Again, I spotted the place from a public bus, I was really attracted to its 1950s architecture so I immediately jumped off the bus.

With the preparation for the G20, the city is turning into a Guantanamo prison and even old industrial wastelands become « official property of the land Bureau », and are now under very tight supervision: security patrols everywhere in the factory compound, high walls, security cameras that actually work, security dogs that are not chained, etc. That is why I am quite proud of my « ninja infiltration », it was not easy at all but I did it on my own! The only problem is I could not see all the buildings and had to hide every ten seconds, not ideal for pictures. I hope they still manage to reproduce some of this place’s architecture and atmosphere.
Hangzhou Oxygen Plant Group (杭州制氧机集团有限公司) was founded in 1950 under the name « Zhejiang Iron Factory » (浙江铁工厂) and the production site was established in this area of Hangzhou in 1957. It became the « Hangzhou Oxygen Plant » in 1958 (杭州制氧机厂). It is a major producer of oxygen concentrators and petrochimicals in China. The factory was moved in 2009 to Lin’an, leaving behind really fascinating industrial ruins made of brick overgrown by wild grass. Each building still carries a number.

Inside the warehouse

The most unexpected discovery: decaying statues
I did not have a chance to see the other buildings of this factory but I was very happy with this discovery: a set of abandoned Chinese statues, who could have imagined?

There is still a lot to explore but I can already say I liked this place a lot! Too bad its peaceful atmosphere is being disturbed by so much security watch…

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